
Super Teachers

Don’t we all appreciate our teachers more? Thanks to Covid-19, parents around the world better understand the challenges that come with teaching children day in and day out. It took ten weeks of disrupted routines and social isolation to open our eyes to what a gift a teacher can be in a child’s life. But

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Need Help?

Are you on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn? If not, get yourself a Twitter account right now. NOW! You’ll find hundreds of educators and education tech experts offering encouragement, resources, advice, discussions, and a lot more. Here’s a few to get you started. For Ed Tech issues:@edublogs@rmbyrne@coolcatteacherFor parent engagement:@LearningLadder5@PTHVP @karen_mapp@HWDSBFor Social Emotional

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Are You Ready?

If you’re like me, it’s becoming clear that we’re not ready for a “new normal.” Working online, schooling online, visiting with friends and family online, shopping online, consuming content online and spending 12+ hours looking at a screen every day. For some of us, this is not so overwhelming because it’s been a way of

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Now is the time

Dear Parents, Now is the time to listen to your children. Now is the time to listen to your child’s teacher. Now is the time to stay fully present in the moment and not worry about the future of your child’s education. Now is the time to put social and emotional intelligence ahead of academic

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